Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ice & Stuff

Well, per typical, the weather is not great here and I had a sick child last night.
We got ice then snow through the night last night at about 12:30am, Zander got sick all over the bathroom floor. UGH...He had been complaining that his stomach hurt all night. Made him take "the bucket" to bed. Well he said he thought he could make it to the bathroom. Indeed he did but not to the right spot.

Seems like every time we are going someplace, some on is sick or the weather is not what we need. This time we get both. Zander did say he feels great now?! So let's hope it was just nerves. Unfortunately, my son has my anxiety problem so he can easily work himself up to that point just like me. We are a sure to be a drug manufactures dream come true. One for anxiety, one for depression, one for thyroid, one for acid reflux, one for insomnia, and probably someday, cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Gosh, what a Rosy picture! LOL We have all that in the family so it will have to come true at some point, right?

Off to walk! I will fight it as much as I can now. well, actually it's off to pack. We are leaving at noon. I will swim it all off today!

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