Heading out to the doctors today. Think I have an inner ear problem, right foot/ankle is STILL a problem (so I am going to finally tell them after a year), and I am having issues sleeping and eating again. Which actually isn't soo bad cause I get a lot of stuff done and I wanted to lose weight anyways for Cancun, but not with the other issue that come along with those two problems for me.
So heading out here shortly. I was up until 2am working on my last wedding. I just loving playing with those photos and turning them into something else. So far, internet is holding out, still no laptop, and busy as ever.
Bev's son is getting married this weekend and I am shooting that wedding as well. I am really looking forward to this one. It means the world to me that she likes my work enough to have it for her own family event.
Shell, if you read this, that means your flight was completed safely and you are in NZ. I have been praying you are there safe. Let us know you made it please.
Signed up for a direct sales event here in town for October. Doing both TLC & ElisaLou booths. So I will be sporting my bling TLC shirt and an ElisaLou over the shoulder, and LT running while my EL laptop sleeve sits next to me! LOL I love wearing so many different hats! So see, TLC and EL support each other. You need bags to put your TLC stuff inside...you need ElisaLou, you need TLC...You need ElisaLou, you need TLC...you are getting very sleepy....