Saturday, August 2, 2008

Ginger's Groove By AmySumrall

This is Amy Sumrall's newest kit. I loved the color of this paper. And the fact that it was named GINGER, I mean, how could I NOT use a picture of my Ginger Girl. I love this little dog almost as much as my children. Some days more! She is spoiled spoiled rotten. She has to have one foot touching you at all times when she is by you. She sleeps on my pillow above my head with another pillow propped up so doesn't fall between the headboard and mattress. She is 13 lbs of pure love. Her faults include that you can NOT talk to or be near another pet or child without her running up to you and 'butting' in on the action. She barks like a mad woman at the sweeper unless you have someone hold her while you sweep. She will not eat her heart worm pills unless you break them into tiny pieces. She HATES having the clippers used on her face. So the groomer has to hand cut her head area.
BUT....She loves to cuddle, go for walks, go for rides in the car (only if she can sit on the drives left leg), will lick you to death if you let her. I seriously love this dog, almost to death! She has her faults but don't we all! Her nickname is Sister. She will come to either name! I would get another Shih tzu in a second.

1 comment:

Shelley Moore said...

Girl I know what you mean.... My Princess is jsut the same for me. I mean she totally has a tude, LOL, but I love her and she is perfect for me. Me n her - we got a THANG between us, LOL!