Sunday, July 20, 2008


Amy Sumrall awarded me this special little treat! She's so stinking awesome I can't even being to tell you. I am joining forces with her little Creative Team on July 26th. As if I haven't already been pimpin' her designs already. But now it will be official.

The rules of the award are:

1. The winner can put the logo on her blog. 2. Link the person you received your award from. 3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs. 4. Put links of those blogs on yours. 5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls you’ve nominated

MY SEVEN ARE: (in no particular order)

1. Kristin Aagard: I met Kristin during the scraporchard SYTYCD contest. She made all the way to the last round but had to drop out due to family issues. I am sure she had the goods to win a spot. But I just keep downloading all her freebies and then she asked me help her start up her CT. So I said SURE! She is selling at PlainDigitalWrapper right now. Go check her out.

2. Shelley Moore: Long time friend DirectSales Buddy. We have known each other thru several company folding and yet we still come out on top. She is just starting to dabble in designing. She is feeding me with templates currently! WAHOO!

3. Shell Mackay: My most favorite KIWI EVER! she's the only KIWI I know but who's counting. SHE ROCKS MY WORLD. She has the best accent and sense of humor to match it. She's raw. Which is a great thing. She keeps it straight and to the point with so much love you can smell it. I adore this woman.

4. Wendy Myers: My favorite Secret Sister! LOL I got to know Wendy, again, thru a failed business adventure. But she is so sweet and honest. She's always happy and so beautiful. She is very crafty and comes from a very crafty home. Her sister is just a talented.

5. Sonja R.: Another extremely talented Business Friend. She got the gift of talent for sure. She is a born leader. Her DH is away on business in Africa and she continues to run the home just as is he was right there beside her. I admire her so.

6. Lori: Lori's templates really make me smile. I love that she offers them up as freebie. She is very giving and sweet.

7. Summer Simmons: I have admired her designs since the first day I saw them over at PolkaDotPotato. I have framed her papers and have them hanging above my bed. It's art! It's so much more than just scrapbooking paper. And she can sew too! You can find her work at SugarGiggles too!Crafty crafty crafty!

So that's my list of 7. Thanks for thinking of me Amy Sumrall. And now go make someone else's day!

1 comment:

Kristin said...


Thanks so much for the award! I'm so honored! lol

You know I love your blog too. In fact, I stalk it daily. :0)