Friday, January 15, 2010

Grab a drink and get comfy...

This is gonna be long and deep.

So I went with Zander tonight to see the Blind Side. Best dang movie I've seen in a LONG TIME. But back to the post. So...I have these really deep thoughts that run through my head on a regular basis. Many of you know how deep my heart is. I would do anything for anybody. And as I am watching this show, it occurs to me, that I am the mom on this show. I would so totally do what she did. And it then hits me. My god, some day, I will be in her shoes. It won't be an adopted child but yet my own. My oldest has the same personality traits that I saw in Michael. He's so darn giving, caring, protective, extremely smart, and has a passion for football. So as I see Michael walk across the stage at his gradution my mind starts to go as it often does. Reflecting, transfering, making what is happening at that moment become ME in the future. I saw Zander walking across the stage at graduation and I was there full of pride and crying. I can't even imagine what I am going to be like as mom when these milestones hit. I pictured some of those plays on the field as if it was Z doing what he does. Will he be awesome, will he love the sport, will he hate, will he not even play it after all? My mind goes crazy at times. All I really know, is that I want my boys, my family to be happy and love life. That movie hit me. It moved me. I can so totally relate to type of family they were and what they did. I could do it, I would do it. I do do it. I give a lot. And frankly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Go see the blind side. Awesome movie. I hope it wins an award of some kind. They did it without a ton of bad language, no sex scene, no killings. Just a nice family doing a good thing. That's how the world should be. We need a few more of those families in the world.


Shelley Moore said...

Rach, between your post and this blasted Extreme Makeover Home Edition marathon, I'm going to go through a whole box of Kleenex!

Amy Jo said...

That movie was awesome. I knew you would love it!!

Wendy said...

I loved that movie. 3 cheers for sandra bullock and I didn't even know that the husband was Tim McGraw till someone told me a week later!