The next morning we get up and Josh starts shoveling out this area. I am shocked to see what he has done as I walk outback. This hole is now about 3' around. And you can see what we saw in these two pictures here:
So then we have a friend of ours come over to check this out. He helps Josh get it to about 4' across and call it a day. We cover it with boards for the night and now it brings us to Sunday (today) This is what it looked like after a few minutes of digging and sledgehammering the cement that was the "lid" of this cistern. The bars you see below were just there for support. We thought they were water pipes. but nope....just support bars.
There was 3' of dirt on top of the cover and the cover apparently failed and hence the hole. Well, we were planning on redoing our driveway. So it got started TODAY! We needed the dirt to fill this damn hole. So we had a 10' deep by 7' across hole in our yard today. This is Zander & Josh sitting on the edge to show you the size of the hole. You can see our friend coming with the skid full of dirt to start filling it up.
And this is now how my driveway looks after this whole mess. We are going to put stone down for now. Can't afford concrete now since we had to get that old cistern filled in. When it rains it pours. So we will just have a stone drive for now and then in a year or so, we can save up to have concrete poured. Oh crazy life.
Yikes!!!! Thank goodness you didn't lose any kids or dogs down the sinkhole!
OMy Goodness! Was it in fact a well?
You should have that checked into more. How long has your house been there?
Now I am worried about you.........
Wow. That's scary. But for the kids it will be one of those fun memories that last a lifetime. "remember when we got a huge hole in our backyard" Kids always look at the good in things.
Glad everyone is OK and you found a solution for the problem.
Wow! that's wild! It's lucky no one fell in.
Thank goodness no one fell in or got hurt!!!!
OMG! Have you ever seen that creepy movie the Ring? Oooooooohhhhhh! You have a scary creepy freaky well in your back yard. lol Really though, that's crazy. It stinks that you can't finish your driveway now. What a pain. Concrete is so super expensive right now!
Good luck with that mess! If I wasn't a thousand miles away I'd grab my shovel (or a couple backhoes) and come help you fill that puppy up!
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