Saturday, July 21, 2007


SUPER DAY! Got my photo with Krystal. Saw my great Secret Sista from the cruise today! HI WENDY! Her sister made me this totally cute beaded lanyard for my name badge. THANK YOU! My dear friend Betsey, (AKA ELIZABETH?!) finally got here! We sat together at dinner and admired the dimpled butter balls! Made a trip to home office to pick out my items. Completed one of the new chatterbookz and a Cover book with the Recipe HF kits. BUSY BUSY Day. If my family reads this...I am still alive but just have been on the go since I stepped foot in the city. It's 3 am EST time/1 am here and I am just getting ready to head to bed. I wanted to finish up the chatterbookz for the expo in GrandRapids on Friday.

Can't post pictures, too late.
Shell STILL has no voice. Been having an incredible time with her. Have the best photo of her...ummm....girl! LOL heehee

Love my secret sister gifts so far! Can't wait to see who she is! I wish we could have revealed earlier so I could spend some time with her and possibly got to know her better if I don't already! Just not enough time to spend with everyone. Bummer.

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