Josh in a skirt.
Zander (the Black Knight) --"Off with her head!"
Just a crowd shot. It was packed to the gills. We had to give up the "wenches" table so that guests could use it. We ran out of room.
These are all the cast members. Plus we had 9 "wenches" to serve!
This is all I can upload tonight. It was so awesome! The Daily Telegram showed up and took pictures too! (a local newspaper) The actors got a standing ovation at the end too. It was such an incredible night! I can begin to tell you how neat it was and the decor was perfect. The fine details didn't go unnoticed. I would do it again in a heart beat!
but was Josh a TRUE scotsman.. and did not wear undies under the kilt - inquiring minds want to know *LOL*
He actually had on two pairs of undies! LOL He had his regular ones and then put a pair of Spongebob Boxers over that!! I checked! :O) I lifted it up while he was standing talking to someone to prove a point to someone else! LOL
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